Brutal 4ce by Blackstone Labs – 4Andro builder

Brutal 4ce by Blackstone Labs – 4Andro builder

Blackstone Labs, the innovative company, has again become a game-changer, producing Brutal 4ce. The 4-DHEA compound has been used in the bodybuilding supplement industry for many years. However, it has never been delivered the way it is now. Blackstone Labs Liposomal technology makes 4-DHEA 99% bioavailable when converted to testosterone during the two-step conversion process. This product is a huge advancement in the industry for the last ten or fifteen years, making Brutal 4ce the most efficient product of its kind.

Benefits & Results

  • Converts to Testosterone
  • Elevated Aggression
  • Lean Muscle Mass Gains
  • Wet Mass Gains
  • Increased Sex Drive
  • No Liver Toxicity
  • Increased IGF Levels
  • Increased Strength
  • Increased Energy

How does Brutal 4ce work?

The supplement is powered by one potent compound, namely 4-DHEA, or 4-Andro. The compound undergoes a conversion process in your body to promote mighty hormone release you want to get. The ingredient converts to Androstenediol, then to Androstenedione, and finally to Testosterone. The process will quickly ensure massive muscle gains, promoting aggression because of extra testosterone. Consequently, if you want your muscles big soon enough, take Brutal 4ce now. The Blackstone Labs Company has also added Liposomal Delivery System to the supplement to make Brutal 4ce super bioavailable. As a result, you get a more powerful pill and greater effects!

Where to buy “Brutal 4ce” ?

Like all Blackstone Labs supplement, you can buy Brutal 4ce in several online store. Prices are about the same everywhere but we’ve selected for you guys the best stores. Just follow this link below to judge by yourself:

Brutal 4ce - Blackstone Labs

Brutal 4ce – Blackstone Labs

4.8 out of 5 stars (4.8 / 5)

Get the Best Price on Brutal 4ce: $64.99 – $99.99

What is 4-DHEA?

4-DHEA is a bodybuilding compound found in many currently available prohormones and is otherwise known as 4-Andro. It is actually a two-step precursor of testosterone. Testosterone is probolic and androgenic at the same time. When we say probolic, we mean it provides muscle gains. Such characteristic as androgenic refers to improved male sexual drive. Taking the supplement, you may expect serious muscle and strength gains. This supplement is meant for solemn bodybuilders and athletes who expect to achieve a serious amount of mass over a very short time period.

Liposomal Delivery System

The liposomal technology has been used mainly in the medical industry. However, it has recently made its way to some nutritional supplements present on the market. The technology has been introduced in nutritional supplement production because it provides low absorption and bioavailability rates for older dietary capsules and pills. Being a hydrophobic (fat-soluble) molecule, 4-DHEA is difficult to introduce into your blood. The liposomal technology easily bypasses hindering elements and efficiently delivers 4-DHEA to the cells in your body.

Included Esters

The Brutal 4ce supplement includes two times more esters which start affecting your body from the very first day. We talk about 4 androstene-3b-ol, 17-one undecanoate and 4 androstene-3b-ol, 17-one Caprylate. Esters are introduced to the molecule to ensure its controlled release. This process eliminates the necessity to take a supplement dose during the day on an exact time. All you have to do is to take one pill in the morning and one in the evening. The Blackstone Labs Company has introduced undecanoate and caprylate esters in its products, as well as unesterified 4-DHEA, to provide prolonged high levels of supplement in your blood with multiple peaks.

Brutal 4ce vs Chosen1

Company “Blackstone Labs” always wants to surprise you with its products, and this supplement is no exception. Both Brutal 4ce and Chosen1 are designed to provide massive muscle gains. However Brutal 4ce and Chosen1 differ in their ingredients. Chosen1 is manufactured with 1-DHEA while Brutal 4ce is actually 4-DHEA.

Brutal 4ce is meant for athletes who are eager to gain mass within a short period of time. The supplement will also boost your testosterone levels, though you might also get some water weight as a result. Brutal 4ce has more of a “Wet Gains” formula.

Chosen1 will better suit people who are looking forward to incredible lean muscle gains but with as little fat gains as possible. The supplement will make you more aggressive and strong. Chosen1 provides dry muscle gains.

Dosage and Administration

BlackStoneLabs recommends you to take one tablet of Brutal 4ce supplement twice a day. Do not exceed 2 pills a day. The supplement should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Cycle Support & Post Cycle Support

We recommend “Gear Support by Blackstone Labs” and “PCT V by Blackstone Labs”.


Brown GA, Vukovich M, King DS. Testosterone prohormone supplements. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2006 Aug;38(8):1451-61. doi: 10.1249/01.mss.0000228928.69512.2e. PMID: 16888459.

Delbeke FT, Van Eenoo P, Van Thuyne W, Desmet N. Prohormones and sport. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2002 Dec;83(1-5):245-51. doi: 10.1016/s0960-0760(02)00274-1. PMID: 12650722.

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