Prohormone Stacks: Bulking, Cutting, Trifecta Andro & Battle Hardener Kit (LG Sciences)

Prohormone Stacks: Bulking, Cutting, Trifecta Andro & Battle Hardener Kit (LG Sciences)


Serious athletes, bodybuilders, and powerlifters, as well as people who are eager to gain some mass, would want to consider taking LG Sciences Bulking Andro Kit. This supplement combination can help you achieve considerable mass gains and strength enhancements if taken during a healthy diet course and exercise routine. With the andro kit, you will consume a doubled dose of the most powerful ingredients on the market to help you gain mass.

The M1D Andro supplement evolutionized from Methyl 1-D, the hardcore prohormone designed to boost testosterone production. If you consume 5-DHEA combined with vital co-factors and a powerful aromatase inhibitor, M1D Andro will promote the strongest possible testosterone production in your body, and you will not have to use any illegal substances.

The 4-Androstenolone supplement contains the closest legal chemical formula to testosterone, 4-DHEA, to provide your body with all necessary ingredients to produce larger amounts of testosterone. 4-DHEA is a classic prohormone promoting healthy testosterone conversion processes.

The 1-Andro prohormone is related to 1-Testosterone but is a lot leaner and cleaner. Athletes want to use this hormone to gain lean muscle mass and enhance strength. Recent studies showed that well trained male sportsmen gained additional 11 lbs within 30 days and lost significant amounts of body fat.

The Form-XT supplement is a combination of an aromatase inhibitor and co-factors. The ingredient is meant to enhance natural hormone production by the body to assist you in quick recovery after your cycle.

Bulking Benefits

  • Mass Gains
  • Increased Appetite
  • Enhanced Strength Gains
  • Non-liver toxic
  • Libido Enhancer
Bulking Andro Kit - LG Sciences

Where to buy Bulking Andro Kit ?

5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

Get the Best Price on Bulking Andro Kit: $129.95 – $259.99

Cycle the bulking andro stack the right way

Week 1-4: M1D Andro — 3 caplets daily, 1-Andro — 1 caplet daily, 4-andro — 2 caplets daily
Week 4-6: Form-XT 4 caplets daily

When adding prohormone supplements into a diet, mind that it is necessary to distribute them evenly during the day. In case you have decided to consume several prohormones during the day, make sure to separate the intake time for different supplements. The time span between the intakes should not be less than 10 minutes.

M1D Andro: M1D — 1 caplet 3 times daily. It would be best to take one caplet in the morning, another one in the afternoon, and the last one before you go to bed. You can consume the supplement with or without meals.
4-Andro: 4-Andro — 1 caplet twice a day. We recommend one caplet in the morning and the other one in the afternoon. You can consume the supplement with or without meals.
1 Andro: 1-Andro — 1 caplet twice a day. Take one caplet in the afternoon and the other one before you go to bed. You can consume the supplement with or without meals.
Form-XT: Form-XT — 1 caplet 4 times daily. We recommend one caplet in the morning, one caplet in the afternoon and two caplets before you go to bed. You can consume the supplement with or without meals.


LG Sciences Cutting Andro Kit. This prohormone stack will provide you the best results in 6 weeks and protect your liver from toxic impacts! Hurry to gain your lean muscle mass and enhanced power and forget about unwanted side effects, which are often caused by other prohormones. The stack called LG Sciences Cutting Andro Kit will ensure the dry and ripped look you want to achieve! 6 weeks will suffice to start feeling immense strength, gain lean mass, and obtain a ripped shape when you combine this cutting stack with a good diet and moderate exercise in the gym!

The 17-ProAndro supplement will harden your muscles by opening pathways to standalone production in your body.

The 1-Andro prohormone will help you produce 1-testosterone. The supplement will assist you in building lean muscle mass and gaining strength, as well as in hardening your muscles and promoting your lean look.

The supplement called EpiAndro 50 will help you achieve additional muscle hardness, enhanced strength, quick fat burning, and increased aggression — all you need while doing an intense workout.

The Form-XT supplement includes an aromatase inhibitor and some other ingredients for the perfect post-cycle therapy. The supplement will help your body recover faster without losing gained achievements during the cycle.

Cutting Benefits

  • Enhanced Strength
  • Increased Lean Muscle Mass
  • Dry Look
  • Euphoric and Aggressive Feelings
Cutting Andro Kit - LG Sciences

Where to buy Cutting Andro Kit ?

5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

Get the Best Price on Cutting Andro Kit: $124.95 – $249.99

Take the cutting Andro kit the right way

Week 1-4: EpiAndro 50 — 3 capsules daily, 1-Andro — 2 capsules daily, 17-Proandro — 2 capsules daily
Week 4-6: Form-XT 4 capsules daily

We recommend you to distribute all intakes evenly during the day. In case you have decided to consume several prohormones during the day, make sure to separate the intake time for different supplements. The time span between the intakes should not be less than 10 minutes.

You should take LG Sciences EPIANDRO 50 3 times daily: 1 capsule in the morning, 1 capsule in the afternoon, and 1 capsule in the evening before you go to bed. You can consume the supplement with or without meals.

It is best to take LG Sciences 1-Andro twice day: 1 capsule in the morning and the other one in the afternoon. You can consume the supplement with or without meals.

Make sure you take LG Sciences 17-PROANDRO twice day: 1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule in the evening before you go to bed. You can consume the supplement with or without meals.

The PCT supplement called Form-XT and produced by LG Sciences should be taken 4 times daily: 1 capsule in the morning, another one in the afternoon, and 2 capsules in the evening before you go to bed. You can consume the supplement with or without meals.


Bodybuilders will surely want to use this andro kit to efficiently start working on additional muscle mass. Besides, the supplement stack will help sportsmen cut excess fat. LG Sciences recommends the stack as a perfect starter for your next prohormone cycle. This supplement kit is among the best mass building products available on the current market. Moreover, the Trifecta Andro kit will ensure the best results without any side effects, which some other older prohormones may have. The supplement stack will suit anyone who has reached the age of 21, promoting their best appearance and wellbeing!

The first supplement is called M1D Andro. It appeared as an evolutionary development of Methyl 1-D, known to be the most powerful testosterone enhancer on the prohormone market. 5-DHEA plus a powerful aromatase inhibitor and vital co-factors, included in M1D Andro, will definitely boost your testosterone production to the top levels possible.

One more supplement in the stack is Epi-Andro 50. It is a successor of legal Stanolone prohormones. The substance will promote muscle hardness, enhance strength, assist you in fat burning, and increase muscle mass.

And finally, the Form-XT supplement is a combination of an aromatase inhibitor and co-factors created specifically for your PCT period to boost your natural hormone production and promote fast recovery.

Trifecta Benefits

  • Completely Legal Supplement Stack
  • Perfect Kit for Anyone Over 21
  • Guards Your Liver against Toxicity
  • Capsule and Liquid Delivery
  • Non-Methylated
Trifecta Andro Kit - LG Sciences

Where to buy Trifecta Andro Kit ?

5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

Get the Best Price on Trifecta Andro Kit: $94.95 – $189.99

How to cycle the Trifecta Andro kit the right way

It is best to distribute all doses throughout the day evenly. Mind to take M1D and Epi Andro separately with at least a 10-minute time span. We recommend taking them 3 times daily, according to this exemplary routine: M1D — at 8 am and Epi Andro — at 8:15 am.

Weeks 1-4 M1D Andro routine: 1 M1D capsule 3 times daily along with a full glass of water, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening.
Weeks 1-4 EPI ANDRO 50 routine: 1 Epi Andro 50 capsule twice a day along with a full glass of water, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Weeks 4-6 Form-XT routine: 4 capsules daily, 1 capsule in the morning, 1 capsule in the afternoon, and two capsules in the evening.


LG Sciences presents its newest prohormone kit, which will help you get huge and ripped, pushing your abilities to the limits. The stack is meant for those sportsmen whose objective is to become larger as fast as possible and keep up dry, ripped appearance. LG Sciences uses its amazing 17-Pro Andro cutting product (a lot of users equal it with Winstrol) to stack it with the most powerful legal prohormone pBold. Athletes know it well enough as it helps them to achieve immense gains when it comes to lean muscle mass.

The 17-Pro Andro supplement is a cutting product, like Winstrol, included in the Battle Hardener Kit to assist athletes in building hard and dense muscle mass.

The pBold supplement is the most powerful legal prohormone used in this stack for both lean muscle gains and body strength enhancements.

The FORM-XT supplement is a Post-Cycle Therapy product which will help bodybuilders to keep all their gains and promote quick recovery.

Battle Hardener Benefits

  • Currently Completely Legal
  • Guards your Liver Health
  • Firm Muscles
  • Insane Increases in Lean Muscle Mass
  • Unprecedented Strength Gains
  • Desired Shredded Look
Battle Hardener Kit - LG Sciences

Where to buy Battle Hardener Kit ?

5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

Get the Best Price on Battle Hardener Kit: $94.95 – $189.99

How to cycle it the best way

This prohormone stack is designed for a 6-week cycle. It comprises two cycle products and one PCT agent.

Week 1-4: P-Bold — twice a day, 1 pill in the morning after you get up and 1 pill at about noon. You can consume the supplement with or without meals.
Week 1-4: 17 pro Andro — twice a day, 1 pill at about noon and 1 pill before you go to bed. You can consume the supplement with or without meals.
Week 4: Form-XT — 4 times daily, 1 pill in the morning, 1 pill at about noon, and two pills before you go to bed. You can consume the supplement with or without meals.
Week 5-6: Form XT — 4 times daily, 1 pill in the morning, 1 pill at about noon, and 2 pills before you go to bed. You can consume the supplement with or without meals.


Delbeke FT, Van Eenoo P, Van Thuyne W, Desmet N. Prohormones and sport. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2002 Dec;83(1-5):245-51. doi: 10.1016/s0960-0760(02)00274-1. PMID: 12650722.

Brown GA, Vukovich M, King DS. Testosterone prohormone supplements. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2006 Aug;38(8):1451-61. doi: 10.1249/01.mss.0000228928.69512.2e. PMID: 16888459.

Steroid Prohormones: Effects on Body Composition in Athletes. By Sergej M. Ostojic, Julio Calleja-Gonzalez and Marko Stojanovic

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