Ingredients Compounds Information


What is 7a-methyl-estra-4-en-3,17-dione ?7a-methyl-estra-4-en-3,17-dione represents Mentabolan (ment, ment dione) : it's a prohormone with similar effects as the injectable anabolic steroid Trestolone. It has a nomenclature very close to nandrolone which we can consider as a derivated form of. Here is…

Arimistane (Androst-3,5-dien-7,17-dione)

What is arimistane (Androst-3,5-dien-7,17-dione) ?Arimistane is a strong and legal aromatase inhibitor (AI) or you can simply call it, an anti estrogen supplement. To make it clear, Arimistane is known under a couple names : Androst 3,5-dien-7,17-dione, 3-deoxy-7-oxo-DHEA, 7 Keto DHEA.Arimistane replaces…

2a,17a-dimethyl-5a-androst-3-one-17b-ol (2a,17a-dimethyl-etiocholan-3-one-17b-ol)

What is 2a,17a-dimethyl-5a-androst-3-one-17b-ol (2a,17a-dimethyl-etiocholan-3-one-17b-ol) ?Unlike the majority of prohormones compound, the superdrol ingredient 2a,17a-dimethyl-5a-androst-3-one-17b-ol (2a,17a-dimethyl-etiocholan-3-one-17b-ol) is considered straigth up like a real anabolic steroid. Not a precusor ! With an oral bioavailability estimated at 50%, the superdrol ingredient is quite powerful. To make…

17a-methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol (17a-methyl-5a-androst-2-ene-17b-ol)

What is 17a-methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol (17a-methyl-5a-androst-2-ene-17b-ol) ?17a-methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol (17a-methyl-5a-androst-2-ene-17b-ol) is the ingredient contained in Phera Plex (P-Plex) prohormones. These prohormones are known to be a Desoxymethyltestosterone (Madol) precursor as their oral availability is pretty high (40%) ! Many people call Phera Plex as a DMT…

1,4-androstadiene-3,17-Dione (androst-1,4-diene-3b,17b-dione)

What is 1,4-androstadiene-3,17-Dione (androst-1,4-diene-3b,17b-dione) ?1,4-androstadiene-3,17-Dione (androst-1,4-diene-3b,17b-dione) is the ingredient contained in the Boldione (Bold / Boldenone) prohormones. This prohormone is a good rate of conversion into the steroid know as "boldenone" or "Equipoise". We can call it Bold, Boldione or Boldenone…

2,17a-dimethyl-5a-androsta-1-en-17b-ol-3-one (Methyl Sten)

What is 2,17a-dimethyl-5a-androsta-1-en-17b-ol-3-one - Compound Ingredient ?2,17a-dimethyl-5a-androsta-1-en-17b-ol-3-one is the ingredient contained in the MethylStenbolones prohormones. Methyl Stenbolone prohormones uses many nomenclature so here a list of all the names known for Methyl sten :● 2,17a-dimethyl-5a-androsta-1-en-17b-ol-3-one● 2,17α-dimethyl-5α-androsta-1-en-17β-ol-3-one (more official for chemistry)● 2,17a-methyl-5a-androsta-1-en-17b-ol-3-one…


What is 12-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-diene-17 - Compound Ingredient ?12-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-diene-17 is the ingredient contained in the Propadrol EST Nutrition prohormone (first version of it). This compound makes references to Max LMG and nandrolone same if they are different.12-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-diene-17 is really similar to Max LMG (13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)diene-17-one). Both…

1-Androsterone (1-androstene-3b-ol-17-one, 1-DHEA)

What is 1-Androsterone (1-androstene-3b-ol-17-one, 1-DHEA) - Compound Ingredient ?1-androstene-3b-ol-17-one is the ingredient contained in 1-Andro Prohormones. This compound represents 1-Androsterone which is 1-DHEA. Once absorbed into your body, it breaks down (at some %) in 1-testosterone, a potent anabolic agent.This compound is really…


What is 17a-methyl-5a-androst-17b-ol ?17a-methyl-5a-androst-17b-ol is the ingredient contained in Protodrol Prohormones. This compound is a derivated form of DHT with a similar structure to Methyl-DHT (mestanolone). Basically, you can expect about the same results and gains from this compound as of Halodrol…

5a-etioallocholoan(2,3-c)pyrazole-17b-tetrahydropyranol ([3,2-c]pyrazole-5alpha-etioallocholane-17beta-tetrahydropyranol)

What is 5a-etioallocholoan(2,3-c)pyrazole-17b-tetrahydropyranol ([3,2-c]pyrazole-5alpha-etioallocholane-17beta-tetrahydropyranol) - Compound Ingredient ?This is the compound ingredient contained in Prostanozol (P-Stanz) prohormones which is know to have similar effects to the oral steroid Winstrol - Stanozolol.Due to similar chemical nomenclature, the Prostanozol (P-Stanz) prohormone is often mingled with…

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