Chosen1 Blackstone Labs – Review

Chosen1 Blackstone Labs – Review

Blackstone Labs Chosen 1 – 60 Tablets

Chosen 1 is a 1-DHEA product that has been selected by destiny and is one of those highest-powered expert andros prohormone available anywhere on the market. If you would like something which will help get your muscles stronger, drier, and looking amazing, BlackStone goods are the go-to.

What is in Blackstone Labs Chosen1?

Chosen1 is a precursor to a powerful testosterone derivative known as 1-testosterone. 1-testosterone is thought of as quite potent, and has a probolic: androgenic ratio of 1:2. This allows for drier gains and much more aggression at the gym. Chosen 1 is a derivative of DHT so it can’t aromatize to estrogen. With Chosen 1, you are going to see increased muscle mass, no bloating, lean and ironic increases, no nitric oxide, and an increase in strength and recovery, making it among the greatest hardcore supplements on the market!

How does Chosen1 work?

A Liposomal technologies was implemented in this formula to help stop conversion be interrupted by digestion. Liposomal technology has existed for a long time in the medical field used as a carrier for drugs. Liposomes are nutrient full, double layered bubbles created from essential phospholipids and are used to provide nutrients to cells throughout the body. This technology offers maximized bioavailability with each dose. As of today, this is the most bioavailable oral way to deliver nutrients. Together with the Liposomal technology, it makes for a very effective way of bypassing the harmful components and helping the 1-DHEA to be delivered to the cells.

Esters restrain the release which helps eliminate the need to be dosed through the daytime on a manually timed program. This makes it good to get a easy AM/PM dosing schedule so that you don’t have to set any alarms through the day and you’re able to obtain optimal outcomes.

Chosen1 is non-methylated and does not affect the liver. Chosen1 doesn’t harm the liver function whatsoever because the liver contains the necessary enzyme needed to convert 1-DHEA to 1-testosterone. This is a serious product for serious bodybuilders and athletes.

Where to buy Chosen1 by Blackstone Labs?

Like all Blackstone Labs supplement, you can buy Chosen1 in several online store. Prices are about the same everywhere but we’ve selected for you guys the best stores. Just follow this link below to judge by yourself:

Chosen1 - Blackstone Labs

Chosen1 – Blackstone Labs

4.8 out of 5 stars (4.8 / 5)

Get the Best Price on Chosen1: $64.99 – $99.99

Chosen1 stacks

Combine Chosen1 with AbNORmal or Brutal 4ce.
Chosen1 + Gear Support + PCT V.

Blackstone Labs Cycle Support

Gear Support – Blackstone Labs

While taking Chosen1, it’s recommended to take an on-cycle support supplement to help protect your system from any damaging side effects and also to help get the maximum out of Chosen1. Blackstone Labs Gear Support is an all in 1 body support that contains red clover extract. Red clover extract includes a range of clinically proven health benefits that includes enhancing liver health. Whether you’re an intense bodybuilder, athlete, or just an average person, everyone needs this particular ingredient. This component helps purify the blood by acting as a diuretic and helps clear the lungs of mucous, improve blood flow, and help cleanse the liver. The other main ingredients that make Gear Support helpful are NAC, hawthorne berry, saw palmetto, coenzyme q10, celery seed extract, and grape seed extract.

How long should you use a Gear Support?

The duration should be for about 4-8 weeks. You ought to take the on-cycle support nutritional supplement to the entirety of your Chosen1 cycle. Though Chosen1 is non-methylated, Gear Support will help counteract any issues that pertain to cholesterol levels, blood pressure, prostate health, and inflammation.

Blackstone Labs PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)

PCT V – Blackstone Labs

After taking Chosen1, it is recommended to take a PCT supplement to help ensure your body restores its normal test levels and remove any undesirable side effects in the conclusion of a cycle. A PCT nutritional supplement helps re-start natural testosterone production, decrease estrogen, regenerate liver cells, and help maintain lean muscle mass gains.

PCT V is more complete than ever before. This really is an ultimate PCT supplement which can be used as a natural testosterone booster as well as being used as an anti-cortisol, DHT, and estrogen blocking supplement. This brand new formula now will contain NAC and Laxogenin. With this being a natural testosterone booster, it is going to help increase your test levels. As you age, your testosterone levels can fall and bring about moodiness, weight gain, loss of muscle mass, and diminished libido. PCT V is also an anti-cortisol supplement meaning it will help prevent all the negative side effects which cortisol can cause which comprises weight gain and obesity, immune system suppression, gastrointestinal difficulties, and many different things.

How long should you use a PCT V?

You should begin taking a PCT the day following your Chosen1 cycle ends and should last for about 4 weeks. If you skip a PCT, then it may take about 1-4 months for your natural testosterone levels to return to normal. During this time, most of your profits might be lost, you will see a drop on your libido, and you may experience other undesirable side effects.

Chosen1 Results

  • No bloating or water retention
  • Not liver toxic
  • Lean, dry increases
  • Increased strength & recovery
  • 100% legal

Blackstone Labs recommends that you take two capsules per day. Take for up to 4-8 weeks. Each bottle will last you 4 weeks. You can with or without food.

Serving size: 1 tablet
Servings per container: 60


ingredients of Chosen1 Blackstone Labs

Warnings & Side Effects

Consult with your healthcare doctor before taking. Keep out of reach of children. Not for use by people under the age of 18 years. This product includes unapproved chemical hormones which may cause increased body and facial hair and voice deepening. If you are at risk for prostate or breast cancer, you should not use this item. Don’t use if regulated by anybody that prohibits hormone use.


Brown GA, Vukovich M, King DS. Testosterone prohormone supplements. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2006 Aug;38(8):1451-61. doi: 10.1249/01.mss.0000228928.69512.2e. PMID: 16888459.

Delbeke FT, Van Eenoo P, Van Thuyne W, Desmet N. Prohormones and sport. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2002 Dec;83(1-5):245-51. doi: 10.1016/s0960-0760(02)00274-1. PMID: 12650722.

Steroid Prohormones: Effects on Body Composition in Athletes. By Sergej M. Ostojic, Julio Calleja-Gonzalez and Marko Stojanovic

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