Halodrol – Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals (The Renaissance of the Legend)

Halodrol – Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals (The Renaissance of the Legend)

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Halodrol Is Here Again !

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals was on the brink of ceasing its activities in the past several years. However, a few months ago, the Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals’ founder, a forward-thinking manager, has acquired a larger part of the company mentioned above and now things are much better for that brand. The company has come to a decision to revive several very successful products like SuperPump 250, PlasmaJet, and Halodrol of course, reformulate them and give them another chance!

Halodrol ingredients

Halodrol is a bodybuilding supplement providing you with a substantial anabolic effect due to its unique formula which stimulates protein synthesis, improves athletic performance and increases testosterone levels. 5 important ingredients will assist you on your journey to fitness. 1-Androstene prevents such undesired phenomenon as gyno. 4-Androsterone’s influence is very much like that of 1-Androstene but it also boosts muscle mass. Androsterone will increase your strength. Androstenolone Acetate contributes to lean weight gains. And finally, Rhaponticum Carthamoides, included in the formula as 100:1 extract, helps athletes to achieve muscle growth. All these wonderful compounds sum up to 250 mg per every pill, and make a very powerful formula which will greatly perfect your body shape!

Where to buy “Halodrol” ?

Like all Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals supplement, you can buy Halodrol in several online store. Prices are about the same everywhere but we’ve selected for you guys the best stores. Just follow this link below to judge by yourself:

Halodrol - Gaspari Nutrition

Halodrol – Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals

4.7 out of 5 stars (4.7 / 5)

Get the Best Price on Halodrol: $49.95 – $59.95

Advantages & Results

  • Increases your body size and strength
  • Raises testosterone levels
  • Extremely powerful formula
  • 100% legal
  • Incredible pumps and gains
  • Includes the most current and efficient prohormones

How Does Hi-Tech Halodrol Work ?

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Halodrol provides good results and works perfectly well because of the key components and blends present in its formula. It makes the supplement one of the most popular and powerful prohormones available in the market. Let’s look at every compound separately. One of the ingredients is 1-Androsterone.

1-Androsterone is an extremely popular LEGAL prohormone also known as 1-DHEA. This ingredient has a peculiarity to undergo a two-step process of becoming 1-AD, also known as 1-Testosterone. Every athlete engaged in bodybuilding is interested in this prohormone as it is 7 times more anabolic and powerful than common testosterone. When converted, it doesn’t turn into estrogen, so athletes can forget about such unwanted drawbacks as water retention, gynecomastia, or liver stress and carry on building their lean muscles.

4-Androsterone, being an anabolic agent, also converts to testosterone and is also known as 4-AD. Once in your bloodstream, the powerful anabolic agent starts affecting your body in the most beneficial way. One of the advantages you’ll experience while taking this supplement is muscle mass and strength gains. In addition, testosterone promotes your muscle pumps and protein synthesis.

Androsterone is also a prohormone which is spread legally and can be found in many shops unrationed because it is a compound of natural pine pollen. The supplement promotes the natural human metabolism. When consumed, the prohormone turns into DHT helping you gain strength and muscle growth, stimulating lipolysis processes, and helping you reduce side effects like gyno and water retention caused by estrogen activities.

Androstenolone Acetate (DHEA) is a fast-acting ester of Androstenolone. It’s the prohormone taking part in muscle building. It affects the human body converting to 1-Testosterone which, in its turn, can’t transform into estrogen. Because of all these facts, the supplement provides you with the energy necessary to boost muscle building processes, avoiding estrogen side effects at the same time. The compound facilitates new muscle cells creation because it promotes rapid protein synthesis.

Rhaponticum Carthamoides Extract is also included in the formula. This compound is an herb which found application in Russia as a medicine used to strengthen human body physical and sexual performance. Being a natural anabolic and adaptogen, it helps synthesize higher amounts of protein, directly influencing muscle cells. At the same time, it stabilizes glycogen levels and boosts the blood flow to your muscles.

Indications for Hi-Tech Halodrol ?

We recommend you to take 1 tab 30 minutes prior to training. When out of training, take 1 tab in the morning or in the afternoon. Do not exceed 2 tabs a day.


Brown GA, Vukovich M, King DS. Testosterone prohormone supplements. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2006 Aug;38(8):1451-61. doi: 10.1249/01.mss.0000228928.69512.2e. PMID: 16888459.

Delbeke FT, Van Eenoo P, Van Thuyne W, Desmet N. Prohormones and sport. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2002 Dec;83(1-5):245-51. doi: 10.1016/s0960-0760(02)00274-1. PMID: 12650722.

Steroid Prohormones: Effects on Body Composition in Athletes. By Sergej M. Ostojic, Julio Calleja-Gonzalez and Marko Stojanovic

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