Helladrol prohormone #1 — Innovative Labs

Helladrol prohormone #1 — Innovative Labs

Innovative Labs has another prohormone supplement in its stock. It’s labeled Helladrol and was devised to stimulate protein synthesis, boost your performance and libido, and do a lot more! Helladrol developed by Innovative Labs is a prohormone support additive to assist you in achieving the muscle growth and body gains you are expecting to achieve.

Forget about endless hours spent on your workouts in the gym, leave behind calorie counting and food cravings! If you’re willing to gain your muscle mass without any procrastination, start taking Innovative Labs Helladrol — the most efficient and powerful prohormone known in the world of fitness. This supplement combines 4-Andro prohormone which is good for bulking and the cutting-edge Anabolic Inhibitor (Androsta-3,5-diene-7,17-dione) used to lower estrogen levels in your body and maximize testosterone levels at the same time. This state-of-the-art anabolic supplement is meant for sportsmen who are advanced in prohormone taking to bring their workout effort to the desired results. Rest assured that Innovative Labs Helladrol prohormone will impress you with bulk gains and strength accomplishments!

Helladrol Highlights

  • Cutting Gains and Strength Accomplishments
  • Best Prohormone Supplement to Get Ready for Summer
  • Strength and Muscle Gains Increase
  • Anabolic and Androgenic Agents Included
  • Post Training Recovery Time Cuts
  • Enhanced Protein Synthesis Support
  • Libido and Virility Boost
  • Athletic Performance Improvement

Where to buy Helladrol ?

Like all Innovative Labs supplement, you can buy Helladrol in several online store. Prices are about the same everywhere but we’ve selected for you guys the best stores. Just follow this link below to judge by yourself:

Helladrol - Innovative Labs

Helladrol – Innovative Labs 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

Get the Best Price on Helladrol: $59.99 – $79.99

How Does Helladrol Work?

Helladrol produced by Innovative Labs includes 4-androstene-3b-ol, 17-one — a prohormone additive able to convert to testosterone. Having androgenic and anabolic influences, testosterone promotes muscle mass gains and strength. The more testosterone your bloodstream will have, the more red blood cells will your body get, and that will ensure your big pumps while you workout. Muscle mass gains increase, strength development, and pumps increase — that’s what Innovative Labs Helladrol will ensure while taking your athletic performance and body to a whole new level!

Directions and dosage

To achieve your gains, take 1 pill every morning and another pill every evening equally dosing them within 8 to 12 hours. The supplement is good to take with or without food. Take no more than 4 pills a day. We recommend that your cycle of Helladrol should last for as long as 8 weeks, and then substitute it with some Post Cycle Support (PCT) supplements like ArimiPlex for another 6 to 8 weeks for a break.


Steroid Prohormones: Effects on Body Composition in Athletes. By Sergej M. Ostojic, Julio Calleja-Gonzalez and Marko Stojanovic Link 1

Delbeke FT, Van Eenoo P, Van Thuyne W, Desmet N. Prohormones and sport. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2002 Dec;83(1-5):245-51. doi: 10.1016/s0960-0760(02)00274-1. PMID: 12650722. Link 2

Brown GA, Vukovich M, King DS. Testosterone prohormone supplements. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2006 Aug;38(8):1451-61. doi: 10.1249/01.mss.0000228928.69512.2e. PMID: 16888459. Link 3

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  1. Dan March 21, 2023
    • Onyx April 28, 2023

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