How to recognize legit and fake prohormones

How to recognize legit and fake prohormones

The legit and fake prohormones

Ever asked yourself if you were about to buy and take a fake or legit prohormone ? If not, you might have already done a mistake…

Our article is dedicated to protect anyone from taking a fake prohormone because we strongly defend legit prohormones that give awesome gains ! Just take some mins of your time to read our article before making your buying choice.

Let’s start by clarifying the situation towards the fake and legit prohormones

Legit prohormone :  A legit prohormone is determined by the fact it’s contains a real pro steroid ingredient. Simple as that, you pay for a product that will give you the results it says…

Fake prohormone (First case) :  Some supplements are sold “like” if they were prohormones because they want to make you think that while they are clearly not. To find this, simply look at the ingredient info of the supplement and make a search on google, you should find infos if this is or not a real prohormone.

Fake prohormone (Second case) :  Many prohormones that were really popular in the past are now banned. From that reason, some people decided to make fake prohormones so people can still buy them in the hope of good results. This case concerns mainly the fake superdrol (m drol) prohormones but also Halodrol, Epistane, Havoc…

Useful guide to determine if your m-drol is fake or legit (good for pretty much all possible fake prohormones)

Please note that CEL did change of companies for the bottling of his products over the years : there is a possibility to have different labels and pill sizes. There is also a possibility to have the same batch (lot) number and exp date on two different kind of bottles.

2013 – 2014 Note : my suggestion is to not buy any CEL prohormones same if they’re coming from a good seller on ebay/amazon.

1. The design look of a legit and fake m-drol superdrol prohormone

Bottle of a legit and fake m drol

Bottle of a legit and fake m drol

Notice the difference between the size the fake and legit m-drol ? Look also at the colors. While this is not a 100% working trick to determine if your prohormone is fake but this prove a difference with the original one.

2. Various indicators (Size of pills, seal protection, cotton foam)

Indicators of a legit m-drol prohormone

Indicators of a legit m-drol prohormone

Alike the design, it’s not a 100% accurate trick to determine if a legit or fake m-drol but it will help you out.

3. The expiration date

Expiration date of a potential legit m drol

Expiration date of a potential legit M-Drol

Exp Date (2015) of a fake H Drol

Exp Date (2015) of a fake H-Drol

Expiration date of a fake h drol

Expiration date (printed) of a fake H-Drol

Let’s start with an important fact : Competitive Edge Labs (CEL) stopped the production of his M-drol late 2010 (or early 2011) as well as their other prohormones. Moreover, M-Drol (Superdrol) is a banned prohormone in the USA since August 2012

Real and legit M-drol (H-drol, etc.) can have an expiration date of 2013 but… Expiration dates were never printed ! Never. They were stamped on the bottles on the side. So if you see an exp date of 2014, of 2015 or even 2013 but its not stamped, there is 99% chances it’s fake.

4. The ultimate test

The best to know if you have a legit or fake m-drol or h-drol is to take it. If you have great results, it’s the real stuff. If not, it’s either mostly a fake or a bad batch…

Have a question ? Leave out a comment or ask us via our contact page.

* Images are coming from forums and a youtube video. Thanks to the people who shared it.

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  1. Gabriel April 20, 2014
    • Yehor April 22, 2014
  2. adrian August 12, 2014
    • Yehor August 16, 2014
  3. cal September 3, 2014
    • Yehor September 4, 2014
  4. Bryan September 7, 2014
    • Yehor September 13, 2014
  5. cal September 7, 2014
    • Yehor September 13, 2014
  6. hdrol September 30, 2014
    • Yehor October 13, 2014
  7. Finaflex October 22, 2014
  8. joe November 23, 2014
  9. jamie June 23, 2015
  10. Liam May 24, 2016
    • Yehor May 25, 2016
  11. Rob June 29, 2016
    • Yehor July 7, 2016
  12. Rick October 4, 2017

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