Lipodrene Xtreme by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals – Contains DMHA

Lipodrene Xtreme by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals – Contains DMHA

In case you take Lipodrene but look for something more powerful, this formula is definitely for you. Like the original formula, the new one ensures your previous achievement but increases weight loss effects and stimulates your nerves one level up. The supplement is meant for those athletes who want both to lose weight and “feel” the product working for them. The formula is not suitable for stimulant sensitive individuals… it’s meant for those who can tolerate a powerful dose of stimulants contained in this Xtreme supplement. You’ve been warned!

This is the very hardcore formula for weight loss which was sought after so much by many athletes. Do you think the original Lipodrene was strong? If yes then this new extreme formula is right for you to try!

Benefits & Results

  • Much Stronger if Compared to the Original
  • Burns Fat All Day Long
  • Long Lasting Energy
  • Instant Energy Boost
  • No Crash
  • Suppresses Your Appetite
  • Perfectly Suits Both Men and Women

It’s All About Layers

Lipodrene-Xtreme V2 has the outer layer with Explotab technology. Once taken, the supplement facilitates an immediate burst of energy in your body right after your first dose. The second layer continues to supply active ingredients into your blood, providing you with long-lasting stimulants which facilitate weight loss. Finally, the inner layer releases energy ingredients into your blood, helping you to further successfully lose weight. All three layers together provide you with the energy necessary to exercise and feel results as soon as several hours after you have taken just a single dose.

Hi-Tech uses its spherical bead polymers in the tablet to introduce active ingredients into your blood and extend their constant supply for long periods.

Where to buy “Lipodrene Xtreme” ?

Like all Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals supplement, you can buy Lipodrene Xtreme in several online store. Prices are about the same everywhere but we’ve selected for you guys the best stores. Just follow this link below to judge by yourself:

Lipodrene Xtreme - Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals

Lipodrene Xtreme – Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals

4.9 out of 5 stars (4.9 / 5)

Get the Best Price on Lipodrene Xtreme: $37.49 – $39.95

Original vs Xtreme

This product largely differs from the original in the way you feel it working. In addition, each dose of the new formula is a lot more powerful. It’s meant for those athletes who are difficult to please. Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals implemented a different technology for tablets with this xtreme formula. That’s why you receive an instant boost of energy right after you take it. At the same time, the tablet supplies a sustained energy dose for the whole day. It will affect you much stronger and will last much longer. Consequently, the supplement should only be taken by those athletes who know what they are doing and have experience in taking Lipodrene.

Another difference between the two supplements is that the original one uses ephedra extract while the xtreme formula contains a high amount of DMHA.

So, once you’ve decided to take this formula, get ready to it. You will experience the “eyes wide open” feeling when the supplement accelerates you within minutes. Be prepared!

Dosage and Administration

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals recommends you to take 1 to 2 tablets in the morning on an empty stomach and another tablet in the afternoon before meals. To get accommodated, start taking just 1 tablet for the first couple of days. By no means exceed 4 tablets within a 24-hour period. The supplement is safe to be taken by both men and women.

You might be interested in:  DMAA and DMHA – Powerful Stimulants.

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