FDA has put a ban on many prohormones…
Over the years, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration in the US) decided to ban numerous prohormones.
To just name a few, Superdrol, Phera-Plex, Prostanozol and 1,4 AD (boldione) are part of our Official and most Up-To-Date list of banned prohormones.
*** This article will be updated soon because of the new prohormone ban of 2014-2015 ! ***
Please note that our list is valid for the US only.
The laws of other countries (canada, uk, germany…) may be different.
Official List of FDA Banned Prohormones (Up-To-Date 2014)
– 1-AD (1-Androstenediol) (Date of Ban : 01/20/2005)
– 1,4 AD Bold (Boldione) (Date of Ban : 01/04/2010)
– 4-AD (4-DHEA) (Date of Ban : 01/20/2005)
– 19-Nor DHEA (Norandrostenediol) (Date of Ban : 01/20/2005)
– First Tren Prohormone (Dienedione) (Date of Ban : 01/04/2010)
– Methyl-1-Testosterone (M1T) (Date of Ban : 01/20/2005)
– Phera-Plex (Date of Ban : 01/04/2010)
– Prostanozol (Date of Ban : 08/29/2012)
– Superdrol (Date of Ban : 08/29/2012)
All other official prohormones are currently (as far as we know) not listed as a controlled substance.
Will there be a new prohormone ban soon ?
That’s a good question ! We’d like to tell you an exact answer but we don’t have one. According to a recent news (02/11/2014) on DigitalJournal, it look like the government want to introduce a new bill to ban all prohormones of the market !
No one knows if this bill will be validated or not but we will keep an eye on it for you.
Here is a recall of the FDA actions on prohormones :
– Many prohormones (1-AD, 4-AD, M1T…) and other substances were included in the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 which became effective in january 2005.
– FDA organized a big raid in 2009 at Bodybuilding.com’s warehouses which lead to the prohormone ban of Bold, Tren and Phera-Plex.
– FDA organized an other raid in 2010 at PrimordialPerformance.com’s warehouses.
– A new bill “Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act” was introduced in 2012 : Superdrol and Prostanozol are now on the banned prohormones list.
Banned prohormones for sale…
Either in a local or online store (located or not in the United States), you might find yourself in a “bizarre” situation where a seller is proposing you a banned prohormone for sale.
Our recommendation is to never accept this kind of deal. First, it’s illegal and you might risk a fine or even some jail time. Second, what prove you the product is legit ? Nothing. It might be some flour powder or even dangerous stuff.
So what I’m gathering is that if I find a company say in the UK that has an item I’ve used in the past. I could be looking at a fine, jail time or both?
Even if the purchase is for personal use and not for re-sale?
So the products from Hi-tech Pharma (Superdrol, decabolin, 1-AD, 1-testosterone are all banned ?
No, these are new, reformulated prohormones with old names.
Hi Yehor
Do Démythazine is too a reformulated PH ? ( frome Hi tech pharma) ?
Hi Bruce,
Yes, the Dymethazine formula has been completely redesigned.
Hi Yehor,
Nice work !
I have 2 questions
So. After the first ctcle of ARMISTANE. How time ( week, month ? )i must wait for a second cycle ?.
And do Epicatechin need a PCT ? Or is suppressive ?
Thank’ you Sir !
Have a godo day !
NO PCT needed for either