M-Sten RX – Iron Mag Labs Review

M-Sten RX – Iron Mag Labs Review

Our Review of M-Sten RX – Iron Mag Labs

M-Sten RX by Iron Mag Labs is a very good Methyl Sten prohormone clone ! Dosed at 10 mg per pill of 2,17a-dimethyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en-3-one (MethylStenbolone), it’s a bit more powerful and economic than Ultradrol since it has 10 mg pill instead of 4 mg. Gains from M-Sten RX are quite impressive and this prohormone should only be taken by advanced users. You should expect lean muscle mass gains with M-Sten RX as there is no conversion to estrogen. I took myself M-Sten RX and gained a solid 20 pounds of pur lean muscle in a 4 weeks cycle. I also increased my strength and power like nothing else did ! Cycle support supplements and real PCT are important here…

Product Description of M-Sten RX – Iron Mag Labs

Iron Mag Labs gives you one of the strongest prohormone on the current legal market : M-Sten RX. M-Sten RX contains 2,17a-dimethyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en-3-one (MethylStenbolone – 10 mg per pill)  which a very potent prohormone similar to Superdrol ! Moreover, the Methyl Sten prohormones do not convert into estrogen so no wet gains here but great lean muscle size gains ! Especially designed for bulking cycle, you can also take M-Sten RX for a recomp or cutting cycle if you have a clean diet. Please be aware, M-Sten RX is a methylated prohormone that can be “hard” on the body so it’s for advanced users only !

Where to buy M-Sten RX – Iron Mag Labs ?

M-Sten RX is no longer available on the market. We recommend you to read our article about the best prohormones 2024.

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