P-Plex – Competitive Edge Labs Review

P-Plex – Competitive Edge Labs Review

Our Review of P-Plex – Competitive Edge Labs

Years ago, P-Plex by Competitive Edge Labs was one of the very few Phera Plex prohormone of good quality. P-Plex is a very good Phera Plex clone with caps dosed at 10 mg of 17a-Methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol. This was one of the strongest prohormone on the market for many years. Some wet gains (muscle too of course ^^) and big strength increase is what you can expect with this potent and methylated prohormone. Definitely not for beginner and the use of a cycle support supplement is very important. Post cycle therapy phase is also very important to keep maximum of the muscle gains.

Product Description of P-Plex – Competitive Edge Labs

Competitive Edge Labs offers you one of the strongest and potent prohormone : P-Plex, a Phera Plex clone ! 90 caps and each one contains 10 mg of 17a-Methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol which is a precursor to Desoxymethyltestosterone (DMT also known as Madol). Massive strength and muscle gains is what you can expect from the methylated prohormone P-Plex ! With only a 3 or 4 weeks cycle, you could be able to put around 20 lbs of mass gains.

Where to buy P-Plex – Competitive Edge Labs ?

P-Plex is no longer available on the market. We recommend you to read our article about the best prohormones 2024.

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One Response

  1. Dick tracey February 16, 2017

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