ProteX – Vital Labs Review

ProteX – Vital Labs Review

Our Review of ProteX – Vital Labs

ProteX is a “full cycle support” supplement that mainly focus on the liver protection while also controlling a little bit your blood pressure (not enough to me). In addition, ProteX does not contain much things related to controlling the lipid profiles and his price is quite high for the quality… Protex even contains an uncessary ingredient that will boost up a little your test levels. You better use this supplement for the liver protection and not for a “full cycle support” supplement.

Product Description of ProteX – Vital Labs

ProteX by Vital Labs is the ideal cycle supplement to protect your liver and control your blood pressure from a cycle of prohormone. Designed with 4 active ingredients : Milk Thistle, N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), Alpha Lopic Acid and Selenium. ProteX not only protect your liver and blood pressure but also boost up your testosterone levels by combining NAC and Selenium.

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