The Dymethazine (D-Zine) Prohormone Profile

Presentation of the Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormone

The Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormone was first brought to the market by iForce Nutrition with Dymethazine in 2009. Short after, Competitive Edge Labs launched their official clone D-Zine. Both of these prohormones are now discontinued but there are still many new Dymethazine prohormone clones available.

The Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormone became rapidly popular a couple of reasons but mainly by his “good gains side like Superdrol with lower side effects”.

The active compound of Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormones is 2,17-dimethyl-5-androstan-17-ol-3,3′-azine (17b-hydroxy-2a,17b-dimethyl-5a-androstan-3-one-azine). This is a methylated prohormone !

There are many other nicknames used to name the Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormone : DMZ, mebolazine, dimethazine…

To make it clear also on the nomenclatures, here is a list of all the nomenclatures used to talk about Dymethazine : 17b-hydroxy-2a 17b-dimethyl-5a-androstan-3-one-azine, 17beta-hydroxy 2alpha 17 beta-dimethyl 5alpha -androstan3-on azine, 2 17-dimethyl-5-androstan-17-ol-3 3′-azine

Additional information on a cycle of Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormone

Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormone is an illegal and methylated prohormone. Dymethazine is mainly used in bulking cycle due to it's hability to increase strength and muscle mass. The compound of Dymethazine prohormones is 2,17-dimethyl-5-androstan-17-ol-3,3′-azine (17b-hydroxy-2a,17b-dimethyl-5a-androstan-3-one-azine). You can see other names for it later in the page or the intro text.

The Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormone is known to give massive results in terms of strength and muscle gains almost like Superdrol. In fact, many persons thinks that Dymethazine = Superdrol and some people even think that Dymethazine is better than Superdrol… Why ? Since they almost have the same nomenclature, some people mix up things but Dymethazine is clearly different prohormone than Superdrol ! Moreover, Dymethazine gives less side effects than Superdrol while giving almost the same gains, this is why many persons think its better.

Whatever the dosage you will take of Dymethazine, you will most likely gets insane gains. Users of a Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormone should a major increase of their strength and muscle mass under a very short time (3-4 weeks for a cycle). Some persons event report a muscle gains of 16 lbs with only one cycle of Dymethazine !

Since Dymethazine prohormones are methylated, anyone taking it should take a liver support supplement or a full cycle support supplement. For the post cycle therapy, you must do a PCT with SERMs.

* At the end of this article, you will find a Dymethazine (D-Zine) Prohormone Chart to run a proper cycle of this prohormone.

Where to buy the Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormone ?

Dymethazine is no longer available on the market. We recommend you to read our article about the best prohormones 2024.

The Dymethazine (D-Zine) Prohormone Chart

Here is some important details about the Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormones. Have a question or need help, just leave out a comment.

Popular clones of Dymethazine (D-Zine): Dymethazine by iForce Nutrition, D-Zine by Competitive Edge Labs, DMZ-15 by LGI Supplements, Xtreme DMZ by Anabolic Technologies, Methylzine by Accelerated Sport Nutraceuticals, Methyl Masterzine by Helica Pharm

Nomenclature of Dymethazine (D-Zine): 17b-hydroxy-2a 17b-dimethyl-5a-androstan-3-one-azine, 17beta-hydroxy 2alpha 17 beta-dimethyl 5alpha -androstan3-on azine, 2 17-dimethyl-5-androstan-17-ol-3 3′-azine

Methylated Prohormone: Yes

Results/Gains of a Dymethazine (D-Zine) Cycle: Great strength increase and muscle mass gains of 6-16 lbs (with a proper diet) with a 3-4 weeks cycle.

Side effects of a Dymethazine (D-Zine) Cycle: Middle to high side effects (lower than Superdrol)

Protection needed for a cycle of Dymethazine (D-Zine): A liver support supplement or a full cycle support supplement.

Post Cycle Therapy for a Dymethazine (D-Zine) cycle: You must do a PCT with SERMs

Dosage recommended for a first cycle of Dymethazine (D-Zine) :

Week 1-2-3: 15-20mg daily * Week 4: 30mg daily

Dosage recommended for an advanced cycle of Dymethazine (D-Zine) :

Week 1-2-3-4: 30mg daily

Read & Share reviews on Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormones

We've selected the popular Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormones on the market and we reviewed them. You can read our reviews on Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormones and add your own review on them here : Dymethazine (D-Zine) Prohormones Reviews

Yehor Raidnik: Let me introduce myself briefly. My journey with sports started with just a simple horizontal bar and eventually became a passion for street workout. I strongly believe that our body has limitless potential and can be nurtured through rigorous training, consuming healthy food, and striving to make each day a masterpiece. If you have any queries, please feel free to reach me via email or Twitter.

View Comments (3)

  • It's a good pro hormone and produces great gains but it causes erectile dysfunction really bad. I stopped taking it after a week

    • Hey Jason i know this is an old thread, i was just wondering if you went back to normal after you stopped taking it after a week??

      • Yes is an old thread however i am 66 yo man, have cycled DMZ several times, for me it produces very real and dynamic results.
        My usual dose is around 24 mg day in divided doses, showing def results in around the 2nd week, the pump is wonderful and also remain pumped between workouts.
        There should be no lack of sex drive if the DMZ is taken with a testosterone base, it does not have to be huge, even 250 mg every three weeks for someone who is on TRT, this worked for me and at my age 66 i had no problems in obtaining and maintaining a very solid point to the ceiling wood,
        Even epi androsterone taken in a low dose can work most satisfactory as a base for DMZ, also 4-Andro low dosage does the job admirably .
        With the Cycling of DMZ it is important to keep your carbohydrate levels up because DMZ sucks up the carbs from the system and may leave you lacking, so no big deal here an additional sweet potato or two and the tank is good to go, Also remember to drink plenty of water and consume a decent liver tonic.

        If you find your digestion a little sluggish then up the liver tonic or taper down your DMZ dose.
        To be precise even a low dose DMZ @ 8 mg x 2 day can be effective, in a stack, also 24 mg /day alone can give a most satisfactory result when taken with a small dose of Test, or 4-Alpha, personally i never really noticed any negative sides, 4 me DMZ is just as nice as pie, a great feeling and a great and pumped workout, and remaining pumped.

        At one time i was worried because i was becoming so muscular so fast i was beginning to wonder if i would ever stop growing, The DMZ will have your arms and bics busting out of ur T shirt sleeves also after a decent PCT you can certainly retain 80% and more of your gains, just remember to consume balanced nutritious meals and MAKE USE OF YOUR DMZ and work out 5-6 times week, around 30 minutes a day is heaps, it does not have to be super heavy just as long as each muscle group receives a focused stimulation.
        Enjoy your workout focus on each individual rep on ur chosen muscle, there is no hurry to move on to the next rep and set as these just take care of themselves, it feels so good as i breath life into each focused rep, Ok cheers and enjoy Re terry0400-40

        The addition of L Dopa, Ashwagandha , and ginseng in moderation will also raise your Test levels and have your big boy ever ready for dynamic action,

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