Ultra Male Rx by IronMag Labs – Natural Testosterone Booster

Ultra Male Rx by IronMag Labs – Natural Testosterone Booster

In case you want to boost your body natural testosterone levels to extreme highs and do it the natural way, Ultra Male Rx is the right product for you. This nutritional supplement has become a top seller for a good reason as it increases your strength while exercising in the gym and your stamina in the bedroom.

The Supplement Benefits

  • Reduction of Estrogen levels
  • Up to 169% Luteinizing Hormone levels increase
  • Provides strong libido
  • Higher stamina in the gym
  • Improved energy levels

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

Ultra Male may also be used as part of your PTC routine after you’ve taken prohormones. The supplement helps your body get its natural testosterone levels back to normal. Consequently, there are fewer chances that your muscle gains will be eventually lost. The product will also help your body to get your sex drive right back up where it was before the cycle.

What is ProLensis about?

As the Ultra Male supplement includes ProLensis in its formula, it promotes natural testosterone release into the body. So, don’t take any other natural testosterone boosters together with the supplement!

Dosage and Administration for Ultra Male Rx

We recommend you to take 1 capsule per day with food as a nutritional supplement. Never exceed 2 capsules within a 24-hour period. Avoid taking this supplement for longer than 8-week period.

Note: We don’t recommend you to take more than one capsule daily unless your body weight is over 250 lbs.

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